PV Reference Cell/Silicon Irradiance Sensors:

World class silicon irradiance sensors designed to last decades: with or without temperature compensation and available in a variety of output signals.

Temperature Sensors.

Temperature Sensors: IMT Solar now offers both ambient temperature and back of module temperature sensors in a variety of signal outputs including Analog and Digital ModBus.

Modbus Meteorological.

With the Si-RS485TC-2T-v-MB we can offer you options for nearly every meteorological parameter. 0-1500 W/sqm Irradiance, with temperature and wind speed options.

PV I-V Curve Analyzers:

An ideal PV I-V Curve tester used by Quality Certification Labs, PV Manufacturers, Universities and PV R&D labs world wide.  Accurate, dependable & flexible ranges.

Important News & Information

NREL White Paper

NREL White Paper

May 1, 2021

NREL White Paper: Silicon Irradiance Sensor Vs. Pyranometer. – READ MORE

New Si Sensor Range

New Si Sensor Range

October 1, 2019

IMT Solar Announces New Irradiance Sensors Now Available with a 0 to 1500 W/sqm range.

PV Reference Cell Basics Video


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Intersolar Europe
Booth B3.119
June 18–19, 2024

RE+ 24/Solar Power International
Booth C43101
September 9-12, 2024